
grand canyon [a preview] | seattle photographers

Eight and a half hours. 

That's how long it took us to get to the Grand Canyon... from Phoenix. If you consult any given map, it would tell you that it should take about three hours and fifteen minutes. 

Enter Drew and Tasha. Add lack of sleep, adjustment to desert heat and a good amount of chaos, and you end up with us driving back and forth and up and down Arizona, finally ending up somewhere completely different than we intended to be. Wait, there must be a life lesson there somewhere...

This place is beyond words, so I'll leave you with photographs.

hiking in the desert

If you're from the Pacific Northwest, like me, then the concept of "hiking" in the desert probably blows your mind. My sister, who moved to Phoenix several years ago, has spoken quite highly of it. All along, I secretly thought she was crazy... until Drew and I took a little trip out there to surprise the family. Turns out hiking in the desert can be pretty sweet.

Look out for a brand new senior session, on the blog early next week!